Priprave na 48. MINFOS 2022 že potekajo

Dragi prijatelji, obveščamo vas, da priprave na 48. MINFOS, ki se bo odvil v Tržiču v soboto 7. in nedeljo 8. maja 2022, že potekajo. Po dveh letih, ko sta bili obe načrtovani razstavi zaradi epidemije odpovedani, se vsi veselimo ponovnega snidenja in druženja. Verjamemo, da ste svoje zbirke kljub neprijaznim časom obnovili in povečali ter da vsi skupaj komaj čakamo, da  jih postavimo na ogled. Z veseljem vam sporočamo tudi, da se pogoji in cene za vas razstavljavce niso spremenile. Pozivamo vas, da se čimprej prijavite, če je le mogoče do konca marca, in nam tako pomagate pri organizaciji.

Dear friends, We would like to inform you that we have already started preparing for the 48th MINFOS, taking place in Tržič on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of May 2022. After two years when the planned exhibitions had to be cancelled due to the epidemics, we are looking forward to greeting and meeting our distinguished exhibitors again. We believe that despite the harsh times we endured, your collections have not only been renewed but expanded too, and that we have all been desperately awaiting the moment when they can finally be shown to the world. We gladly inform you that the conditions and prices for the exhibition of your artefacts have not changed. Therefore, we call upon you to apply promptly, possibly by the end of March, in this way helping us organizing the event.